Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Common Art 3 - Sprint #3 Delivery

For this delivery, I worked on several different things. There is a new game over area for winning and losing to display the end credits. The arm cannon had a number of changes. There are sound affects attached to the arm cannon for: starting to charge, charging while holding a full charged shot, shooting a non charged shot, and shooting a fully charged shot. The arm cannon also will move randomly in a small area while charging. There is now a haptic feedback while charging the shot and the right controller will vibrate.

The HUD received some updates. There is now a display for what each button does that can be hidden and recalled when needed. Some adjustments were made to some timings to accommodate new animations. A number of animations also have sounds attached to them, primarily for the EMMI moving around.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Common Art 3 - Sprint #2 Delivery

 For this sprint, I spent a good portion balancing audio so that the Emmi sound effects, the music, and the ambient sounds wouldn't be too loud compared to each other. I also helped out with connecting the new scan effect to the steps so that only the current active step would highlight while the others would not. The Emmi blueprint was also adjusted to have 2 more movement states, a scanning state and a strictly idle state, that get called at different times.

Common Art 3 - Sprint #6 / Final Delivery

For this delivery, I did final touch ups on a number of effects and some functionality issues. The charge beam and arm cannon had a couple m...