Thursday, November 11, 2021

Common Art - Week 12 - Art Style Guide - Custom Style Guide and Start Prototyping

We started to work on custom art for our Metroid VR project this week. I have focused heavily on nailing down the story. Our first couple of ideas were over scoped, but not we have a good direction that we are going with. We are focusing on a couple feelings for our scene: danger and self realization. Samus' strange powers keep interfering with her abilities but at the same time are the key to defeating the major enemy, the EMMI. We are going to explore this story within an Escape Room based on the different environments within the Metroid serious with a heavy focus on the factory EMMI locations.

I started working on the proxy environment to get an idea of scale for the play area as well as the objects themselves. I tried making some adjustments with lights but I wasn't able to test too much. Lastly, I worked on getting a naming convention and folder structure document put together.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Common Art - Week 11 - Developing Our Own Style

This week we really focused on the style that we would need for the specific scene we are aiming to do in Metroid Dread. There was plenty of running around to make sure we narrowed down our scene but there is plenty more we need to nail down in the coming weeks. For now, we are focusing on a scene where Samus is pushed into a corner against a deadly enemy, the EMMI, and has to use whatever she can to survive. Ultimately, she uses a power that recently surfaced to absorb the energy of things. She is scared and unsure about this power at first but comes to accept it to survive.

On my end for our presentation, I worked on the slides for the mood board, visual effects, iconography, technical considerations and special design considerations. I also assisted with some of the other slides to make sure they were focused and had relevant images such as with the environment and lighting/atmosphere slides. For the most part, it was about condensing the information from last week, where we dissected the game, to just what would be relevant to the scene. I had to swap out some images for stuff that would better represent what happened but there was a decent amount that also stayed the same since the style was already established.

Common Art 3 - Sprint #6 / Final Delivery

For this delivery, I did final touch ups on a number of effects and some functionality issues. The charge beam and arm cannon had a couple m...